Eeeek – the New Ofsted Inspection Framework is coming!

Amanda Spielman’s ambition for the new inspection framework is that it has “substance and integrity” @amanda_spielman .

To be fair, almost very headteacher that I have spoken to has encouraging things to say about the new draft framework. I know for sure that our main authority on this; Clive Davies O.B.E @CliveDaviesOBE sees this new framework as potentially having a genuinely positive impact.

So if you had to summarise 5 key points from the framework what would yours be?

Here’s mine:

  • The 4 categories remain the same
  • Teacher workload to be acknowledged
  • There are now only 4 judgement categories
  • The Curriculum must be broad and balanced
  • Impact will be judged by nationally generated performance data

If you haven’t seen it yet, you can find it here

Send us your thoughts we would love to hear them!